Kali Linux 2018.4 x64 fails to install manually when using VM Fusion 10.1.5 (hangs during “copying data to disk” portion of the install).
- Create a new Custom VM
- Select the iso you downloaded
- When prompted for the OS of ISO select “Debian 8.x 64 bit”
- Name the VM ‘kali-linux-2018.4-vm-amd64’ (not required)
- Set the following options:
- CPU: 2 processors
- HDD Space: 40 GB (20 GB is also probably fine)
- Memory: 2048 GB
- When the machine starts to boot, immediately stop it
- In the VMWare Fusion VM list, Right click on the VM “kali-linux-2018.4-vm-amd64”
- From popup menu select “Show in Finder”
- In the Finder window, right click on “kali-linux-2018.4-vm-amd64.vmwarevm”
- From popup menu select “Show Package Contents”
- Edit file “kali-linux-2018.4-vm-amd64.vmx”
insert a new line between the first and second lines of the file with the following text:
firmware = “efi”
Save the file
- Start the VM
- Perform a normal install
- When prompted if you want to keep the UEFI mode during install, select YES